FPS Animation Blueprint - Patch Notes
version 2.1.1 - 19 December 2022
Add support for both static and skeletal meshes for all attachment types
Previously this was only supported on sights attachments
Replaced individual Get X Mesh functions for each attachment with a single parent function for all attachment types with improved component validation
Added new override function for attachments to retrieve a special socket name to be paired with the attachment mesh
This includes the muzzle's Bullet Spawn Point and the sights' Crosshair Alignment Point
Added a Control Rig for the character mesh that can be used in Sequencer (UE5 only)
Added a new function to apply different projectile impact decals and sound effects based on the Physical Material of the hit surface
Added dynamic spawning of the MenuPawn when the Inventory Menu is opened and closed
This prevents the need to manually place the MenuPawn in the level, and improves gameplay performance
A safe spawn location vector will need to be chosen in W_InventoryMenu that suits your level so that the MenuPawn spawns out of the way and free of obstacles
Added the option to scale attachments based on weapon type
These are set in the attachment's Data Asset per weapon type
Any weapon type not included will default to 1,1,1
Updated the collision settings for the targets in the target range
Updated the collision settings for the Pawn and CharacterMesh channels
Removed several unused files and blueprint code throughout the asset
Tweaked the Fire Jitter settings for all weapons for a more dynamic feel while firing
Changed projectile logic for better control over collision, gravity and in future, penetration
Made some changes to the camera recoil on weapon fire to improve the feel of the pitch return if the player is moving the camera
Adjusted Default Grenade collision size and bounce behaviour
Adjusted the sightsCenter location on the Pistol mesh
Updated BP_Footstep_Notify with the new method of selecting sounds via Physical Material
Updated some projectile settings to suit the new projectile logic
Fixed an issue where static meshes on sights attachments failed to be set correctly
Fixed an issue where the error from an invalid static attachment mesh failed to retrieve the static mesh name
Fixed an issue where projectiles would fail to collide with actor components with the Pawn collision channel, such as enemies
Fixed an issue with decal application on skeletal meshes by hooking up the Hit Bone Name from the Impact Result to the AttachPointName when spawning the decal
Added example Physical Materials to Project Settings, preventing the footstep AnimNotify from producing a warning about missing Physical Materials
These are Default, Concrete, Metal and Rubber
Fixed an issue in UE 5.1 that caused W_SettingsMenu to need to be recompiled each time the project is opened
Fixed an issue where the ammo spawner failed to spawn any ammo in UE 5.1
The Asset Registry getter functions have been updated in UE 5.1 with different inputs, causing the function that retrieved the ammo Data Assets to return an empty array
A new method of selecting a random ammo type has been implemented
Fixed an issue where weapons would sometimes fail to play the correct fire sound when a silencer attachment was re-equipped
Fixed an issue where the included Physical Materials were set the to incorrect Surface Types
Fixed an issue where the IsMeleeing check would always return false while unarmed
Fixed an issue where opening a fresh copy of the project in UE4 would create a 2.0 project rather than 2.1
This was an error in the approval process, and is fixed by the submission of this update
version 2.1 - 8 DECEMBER 2022
Improved memory management and blueprint memory footprints by changing various audio and animation references in structs and Data Assets to Soft Object References
Assets are now loaded only when needed, rather than being loaded at all times on open/startup
New bullet tracer Niagara emitters for hitscan and projectile rounds
Cleaner appearance and more accurate visual collision
Added support for animations made with ik_hand_gun attached to hand_r without any fixing or manual work required
As most animations from external sources such as the Marketplace are made like this, this should greatly improve the workflow for adding animations not made specifically for this asset
Added support for sockets as the Weapon Attach Socket that are offset from the parent bone
Currently ik_hand_gun is still recommended as the socket's parent bone in order for ADS and Lags/Leans/Sways (LLS) systems to function correctly
Added support for weapon meshes with root bones that are not at 0,0,0
This is a rare issue, but one I have encountered with some weapons on the marketplace. Animations and ADS should now work with these out of the box
Added support for sights with different rotations
The weapon and hands now rotate/tilt to align the sights location and rotation to the crosshair
Added support for static meshes in Sights Attachments
Now either static or skeletal meshes may be used, with skeletal meshes being given priority
Changed the character's spine rotation from a math based procedural solution to an AimOffset
This makes it easier to use and potentially easier to replicate, and may open the door to selecting multiple spine poses based on movement state in a future update
Rewritten Turn in Place system for much better and more consistent turn behaviour
Added Foot IK for reactive foot placement on uneven or sloped surfaces (UE5 version only)
Added a basic system for detecting the physical surface the player is stepping on to play different footstep sounds
Changed Projectile collision profile from block to overlap other projectiles for increased flexibility in handling cross projectile collision
Changed PrintErrorMessage to DisplayErrorMessage to prevent it from taking priority over PrintString when searching the Action menu
Removed AnimationData from ST_GunData, and added it to FPS_PDA_GunBase instead
Removed DefaultMagazineAttachment variable for better clarity regarding default attachment settings
FPS_PDA_GunBase's Attachments struct variable has been renamed DefaultAttachments, and should be used instead
Any attachment slot may now have a default attachment specified and retrieved via the GetDefaultGunData function
Added a scalar to the procedural forward lean while moving so it falls off as the player looks further up/down to prevent strange or uninintended spine rotation
Sped up the camera FOV change when sprinting to make it feel more impactful, and added a variable to adjust it more easily
Added an easy to find variable for the maximum number of jumps the player can perform
Fixed typos found throughout the project
Fixed the CameraAnimationMesh's relative location vector not being rotated to account for its relative rotation when getting the camera offset from the head bone for the weapon position adjustment transform
Added check for current Ammo Type and Active Equipped Weapon validity in ReceiveAmmo for the HUD update function to prevent null pointers and unnecessary update calls for non-active weapons
Changed the player character's Capsule Component's collision to ignore projectiles to prevent unintended collision with their own bullets/grenades, and for more accurate collision from enemy projectiles using the character skeletal mesh
Fixed an issue that would allow disallowed attachments to be equipped on weapons in certain circumstances. Applied the fixed function where necessary to the weapon and pickup classes
Fixed an issue where loading the weapon inventory from a save file would cause incorrect shadow settings on weapon meshes
Fixed an issue where weapons with staged reloads and unlimited reserves reloaded the full amount all at once
Added attenuation to the hitscan ImpactSound so the audio falls off correctly over distance
Added a blocking hit check to ShootTrace to prevent erroneous decals/sounds when a hitscan shot didn't hit an object
Removed a duplicate DropOffCurve variable in FPS_PDA_GunBase
Fixed the incorrect rotation of the sightsCenter socket on the Rifle mesh that became a problem now that sights rotation is factored into the ADS position calculation
Fixed an issue where bullet impact decals would fail to show in certain situations, and increased their fade distance
Removed some unneeded files, variables and functions throughout the project
Some performance optimisations have been made in a few functions
version 2.0.1 - 5 May 2022
Added a brand new map built for UE5 with a refreshed design and vastly improved visuals
Lumen, Nanite, and Virtual Shadow maps are now all enabled by default in project settings
Some basic environmental effects have been added, as well as a switch to change the indoor room theme, just for fun
Preliminary work has been done prepare for the addition of out of the box support for the new Manny and Quinn mannequins. A complete implementation will come in a later update.
Gave the UE4 map a slight visual update, with improved lighting and some updated materials
Added Muzzle Flash particle, Unlimited Magazine and Unlimited Reserves options to the Gun Data Asset with respective functionality
Added an option to the Attachment Data Asset to set the Scale Rule while attaching to the weapon mesh
Added a new Shooting Range actor that automatically populates the specified volume with a chosen arrangement of targets
Adjusted pistol and rifle accuracy
Adjusted blend sample positions in the body walk/run blend space to eliminate some weird blends
Fixed an issue where weapons with staged reloads could interrupt a reload by firing while the magazine was empty
Fixed an issue where the movement additives were playing over the melee and grenade throw montages while unarmed, resulting in odd left arm movement
Fixed an issue where no ledge climb animation played on the arms while unarmed
Fixed incorrect base pose references in some additive animations
Fixed an issue where the default ammo reserves on a new game was not being set correctly
Removed some unused animation poses
Fixed the BodyWalk_BR animation with mistimed foot rotation
Fixed an issue where projectiles not spawned from a weapon were trying to access a weapon Data Asset
Added missing footstep notifies to diagonal body walk/run cycles
Fixed a typo