Getting started - OPENING THE PROJECT
If you are using FPS Animation Blueprint as the base for your new project, you can skip ahead to General Overview. This will be the easiest way to get started, however if you are migrating this asset’s files into an existing project, there are a few steps you will need to follow.
Migrating to your Project
Migrating the Files
Open a copy of FPS Animation Blueprint from your Vault in the same Engine Version you are migrating to. Right click the FPS_AnimBP_v2 folder and select “Migrate…”. Click OK and select the Content folder inside the project you are migrating to. Wait for the migration to complete, then you can close this copy of FPS Animation Blueprint.
If you are migrating the UE5 version, which contains a Control Rig, you may get a popup message like this. Just click No, and everything will migrate correctly.
Setting Up Your Inputs
After migrating, you may find some inputs don’t work, especially if you have migrated from UE4 to UE5, as the default names of the Axis Inputs responsible for movement and camera controls have changed.
The default Input Axis names have changed from UE4 to UE5
If this is the case, you will just need to replace the Input Axis events in the Green “Movement Input” section on the Event Graph inside BP_FPS_Character located in the Blueprints folder.
Linking the Data Registry
In order for your weapons, attachments and other items to work, you will need to link the Data Registry. You can easily do this in Project Settings, under Game -> Asset Manager. Click the small + icon next to “Primary Asset Types to Scan” to create a new entry, and fill it out as follows:
Option | Setting |
Primary Asset Type | ItemData |
Asset Base Class | FPS_PDA_ItemDataBase |
Has Blueprint Classes | True |
Directories (0) | /Game/FPS_AnimBP_v2/Blueprints/DataAssets |
Spawning the Player Character in a New Level
By default, the Player Pawn in the Game Mode is None. Instead, spawning is handled by the Player Controller as part of a basic respawn system in the event the player dies or falls of the edge of the map.
To enable spawns, all levels require at least one Player Start actor to be placed somewhere in the level.